Document Name Type Department
Adding a Person of Interest (POI) HCM Community
Adding an Additional POI Type to a Person of Interest (POI) HCM Community
Adding Required Training HCM Community
Additional Pay: Entering a One-Time Payment HCM Community
Additional Pay: Entering and Reviewing Recurring Payments HCM Community
Annual Leave Certification for Employees and Supervisors Procedure HCM Community, Employee Services
Approving Transactions HCM Community
Automatic Termination (Auto Term) HCM Community
Candidate Selection HCM Community
Completing a Notice of Overpayment Adjustment Employee Services, HCM Community
Comprehensive Learning Report HCM Community
Creating a Position with Funding HCM Community
Creating and Modifying Queries HCM Community
Creating or Updating a Non-Person Profile HCM Community
CU Calculus Quick Start Guide Document Employee Services
Delegating Tasks HCM Community
Entering Employee Review History HCM Community
Entering FAMLI supplemental leave in MyLeave HCM Community, Employee Services
Entering Group Changes HCM Community
Entering Group Terminations HCM Community
Entering Job Changes: Data Changes and Pay Rate Changes HCM Community
Funding Entry HCM Community
Hiring an Employee HCM Community
Maintaining a POI Relationship HCM Community
Maintaining a POI Relationship Employee Services
Manually Entering Reported Time HCM Community
My Leave Basics: Setting Preferences and Entering Time HCM Community, Employee Services
My Leave for HCM Community Members HCM Community
My Leave for Supervisors HCM Community, Employee Services
Opening a Cherwell Ticket HCM Community
Payroll Expense Transfers - PETs (Regular Users) HCM Community
Posting and Unposting a Requisition HCM Community
Putting an employee on leave and returning from leave HCM Community
Requisitions HCM Community
Running Queries HCM Community
Scheduling Queries HCM Community
Search Committee Experience HCM Community
Terminating an Employee HCM Community
Transaction Status, Drafts, and Pushbacks HCM Community
Transferring an Employee HCM Community
Union Code Field in Position Data HCM Community
Updating a Position HCM Community
Updating Course Completions HCM Community
Uploading Course Completion Data HCM Community
Uploading CU Regular Earnings Files HCM Community
Uploading One Time Payment Files to CU Time HCM Community
Uploading Time Collection Files HCM Community
Working with Contracts HCM Community
Working with Reports in CU Careers HCM Community