Tackle your public speaking fears for your next class presentation

Communicating in front of other people can cause nervousness and anxiety for many people. With the techniques covered in “Communicating with Confidence,” by Jeff Ansell, you will learn how to communicate better with skills that address your body language, help you control your breathing and develop a natural speaking cadence.

In this 76-minute course, you will learn how to improve your public speaking skills with many small tactics and improvements that can make a huge difference in any speaking situation. In-class presentations can often feel like a major challenge that produces anxiety, but with the skills you can learn from this course, you will be better prepared to speak confidently and get your point across to your audience.

You will learn many ways to use gestures and consistent eye contact to earn and keep the attention of your audience. You will also learn how to regulate your nervousness and appear confident, even if you’re not.

By improving your communication skills as taught in this course, you will be able to master any academic presentation, and confident speaking will help you in the job market, as well. Whether you’re interviewing for a role or giving a report on a project, learning to communicate clearly and confidently in front of an audience is a valuable skill.

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