Better public speaking starts with confidence

Public speaking and presenting usually doesn’t come easy for everyone. There can be a lot of fear and anxiety when we are asked or assigned to give a presentation. In just 22 minutes, you can conquer these fears and more with “Speaking Confidently and Effectively,” by Pete Mockaitis and Diane DiResta.

You will learn about many common public speaking tactics that we can forget like tone of voice, body mannerisms, and maintaining focused. These skills will help tackle the anxiety that comes up when public speaking or presenting in a class. In this podcast style format, learn from a public speaking expert on how to handle public speaking and make your presentations stand out.

Most presentations end with questions and sometimes they can be difficult to answer. This course will teach you how to handle those difficult questions and how to plan for them. You will also learn about ways to calm your nerves when it’s time to present, so you can speak effectively and get your points across.

Public speaking and presenting don’t need to be an uncomfortable experience. With the practices taught in this course, you will be able to present confidently and effectively, so you can ace those presentations every time.

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