Develop emotional intelligence to communicate more effectively

Being an effective communicator is a vital skill for success in academic, professional and personal relationships. However, communication is not just exchanging words; it also involves understanding and managing emotions and responses to establish meaningful connections.

Recognizing this need, the 43-minute course “Communicating with Emotional Intelligence” offers a guide on how to harness emotional intelligence in communication techniques, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Expert communication and team educator Brenda Bailey-Hughes walks you through identifying and developing the four parts of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and relationship management. With the emotional regulation, conflict resolution and listening techniques taught in this course, you can enhance your role in your everyday relationships, becoming a more active and engaged participant with those around you.

Start integrating emotional intelligence into your everyday communication and see for yourself how this skill fosters positive academic relationships, greater personal fulfillment, and professional success.

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