Improve your exam performance with smarter study skills

Doing better on tests starts with practicing better study skills. With proper studying, you will not only retain information more reliably, but be able to recall the answers during an exam.

In little more than an hour and a half, the course “Learning Study Skills,” by Paul Nowak introduces you to an array of these skills that can help improve your study time and show you how to put them into action.

You will learn many important skills such as mnemonic devices, reading comprehension, note-taking skills and many more. With the techniques taught in this course, you can improve your understanding of topics, identify crucial information and be more prepared for those important exams. Learning better study skills will also help you gain confidence and reduce the amount of stress and anxiety that arises from daunting tests.

Start getting better scores on tests now with the study skills explained in this course so you can be more prepared for success.

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