Be ready for that interview by knowing what questions to ask

Whether we’ve applied for an internship or a job, we all hear this at the end of every interview: “Do you have any questions?” Most of the time, the worst answer is no. In “Questions for the Interviewer,” by Aimee Bateman and Careercake, you will learn how to ask detailed and specific questions in your interviews that will help you land that dream job.

In addition to the questions you can ask the interviewer, you will also learn how to prepare for an interview and how to answer questions that will be asked. Each situation and job are unique, but good interview skills are universal. This is especially important because many students are preparing for their first jobs and internships within their desired field of work.

Being prepared for interviews and knowing what questions you will ask ahead of time will demonstrate to the interviewer that you are prepared and make you stand out among the other candidates.

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