As a state institution, it is imperative for both legal and ethical reasons that members of the university community do not improperly benefit from their positions at the university.  Members of the university community are expected to avoid actual and perceived conflicts of interest related to their work and position.  Actual or potential conflicts must be appropriately disclosed in accordance with university conflict of interest and conflict of commitment policies so that such conflicts may be reviewed, and as appropriate, managed or eliminated.  Members of the university community are responsible for identifying potential conflicts and seeking appropriate guidance.

Conflicts of interest may also arise in the context of gifts, travel, and entertainment.  Members of the university community are expected to conduct themselves so as to ensure that their positions are not misused for private gain with respect to the acceptance of gifts per the state law.  Members of the university community may not solicit, accept, or agree to accept any benefit that is intended to influence the employee in the performance of their university duties.

Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

The following is a list of policies, procedures and guidelines related to this ethical principle – the list may not be all-inclusive of the related policies, procedures and guidelines.

Board of Regent Policies [contact info]

Administrative Policy Statements [contact info]

Employee Services [contact info]

Procurement Service Center [contact info]

Related Training

Training is available online via the Skillsoft training tool. To get more information, log in to your campus employee portal, click on the NavBar, select CU Resources > Training > Start Skillsoft.