Fulfilling CU’s Mission

Between the summer of 2019 and the spring of 2021, the University of Colorado (CU) conducted a collaborative and inclusive strategic planning process to identity common themes that would help guide the university for the next five years and beyond. Priorities identified collectively by stakeholders involved throughout the process will advance CU’s Mission.

The CU system strategic plan is a high level plan that aligns all elements of governance (regents, system and campuses) to achieve a focused set of goals that are essential to fulfilling the university’s mission. The system plan does not replicate or replace campus strategic plans, but is achieved through them. CU’s strategic plan elevates and makes the case for CU with the state and shines light on its successes and needs.

“The University of Colorado is a public research university with multiple campuses serving Colorado, the nation, and the world through leadership in high-quality education and professional training, public service, advancing research and knowledge, and state-of-the-art health care.”

CU’s Strategic Planning Process

CU’s Strategic Planning Process

Engagement & Process Timeline

The strategic planning process was guided by input from the Board of Regents, faculty, students, staff, chancellors, trustees and the broader CU community.

Throughout the four-phase process the strategic planning committee met with approximately 600 stakeholders in over 80 meetings throughout the system and community.

Phase 1: Listening

Phase 1: Listening

Phase 2: Defining the Scope

Phase 2: Defining the Scope

Phase 3: Synthesis and Prioritization

Phase 3: Synthesis and Prioritization

Phase 4: Finalization and Implementation

Phase 4: Finalization and Implementation

Strategic Planning Process Structure

Strategic Planning Process Structure

Strategic Pillars

Pillar 1: Affordability and Student Retention

Pillar 1: Affordability and Student Success


Strategic Focus Area Metrics with Goals and Initiatives

Focus Area: Graduation Rate & Retention

  • Undergraduate Graduation Rate (4-year) – All and Underrepresented Minorities (URM)
  • Undergraduate Graduation Rate (6-year) – All and URM
  • Undergraduate Retention Rate (First-time Freshman) – All and (URM)

Focus Area: Campus Wellness & Mental Health

  • Percent of students, faculty and staff that participate in mental health training
  • Assess faculty, staff, and student perceptions of the campus wellness culture
    • Three questions from the ACHA - NCHA (student) survey that can be tracked and measured over time.
    • NFSHA (faculty & staff) survey questions will be included on the Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) survey - administration will occur in fall 2021.

Focus Area: Innovation in Learning & Teaching

  • Strategic Initiative(s): Performance tracked through the completion of action steps

Pillar 2: Discovery & Impact

Pillar 2: Discovery & Impact


Strategic Focus Area Metrics with Goals and Initiatives

Focus Area: Research/Scholarship/Creative Work

  • Research Funding

Focus Area: Healthcare

  • Patients Served by CU Anschutz Clinical Faculty

Pillar 3: Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Access

Pillar 3: Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Access


Strategic Focus Area Metrics with Goals and Initiatives

Percent of student, faculty and staff from underrepresented population (including gender, ethnicity, veterans and disability)

  • Diversity of New Students
  • Diversity of New Faculty and Staff Hires

Inclusion – Over time, data will be tracked to measure progress based survey questions selected from the Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) survey focused on civility, acceptance/culure and harassment.

  • Survey administration will occur in fall 2021
    • All CU campuses and System Office 
    • All students, faculty and staff 
  • Preliminary results of questions for the CU Strategic Plan will be presented at the February 2022 Board of Regents meeting

Pillar 4: Fiscal Strength

Pillar 4: Fiscal Strength


Strategic Focus Area Metrics with Goals and Initiatives

Focus Area: Collaboration and Partnerships

  • Gifts/Fundraising
  • Other Revenue per Employee

Focus Area: Deferred Maintenance and Sustainability

  • Facility Condition Index (FCI)
  • Energy Use Intensity (EUI)
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Focus Area: Information Technology (IT) Governance Committee (formerly: Transformation & Innovation Program)

  • Strategic Initiative(s): Performance tracked through the completion of action steps

The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead for the Strategic Plan

The Innovating for the Future strategic plan will:

  • Detail actionable, measurable steps that will allow CU to continue to meet its mission and serve its students and the state.
  • Provide a roadmap that will guide the university as it emerges from the pandemic and confronts the challenges of the coming five years.
  • Complement campus strategic planning efforts and actions.
  • Be a bridge that will offer continuity among the current administration, interim administration and next administration.