Want to learn some fun techniques to make meetings, training sessions, and other workplace events more engaging and productive?
You asked for more CPE before the end of the fiscal year. Here it is!
The University and Campus Controllers meet on April 20 to discuss several topics.
We hear you. The Office of University Controller is responding to your feedback on our Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program.
The University and Campus Controllers meet on March 16 to discuss several topics.
Our Continuing Professional Education (CPE) courses on March 17 are all about you: specifically, about your self-knowledge, organization and management, and safeguarding.
More good news from the Finance & Procurement Help Desk (FinProHelp). We're making more Chat time available.
Wishes do come true. You wished for the Finance & Procurement Help Desk to be open over the noon hour -- and now it is!
If you use University funds (of any type) to purchase gift cards, this training is for you!
