The President's DEI Grants are designed to fund innovative and creative projects that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the University of Colorado.

Grant proposals must be submitted by CU faculty* or staff. Students or student groups interested in submitting a proposal will need to have a faculty or staff sponsor submit the proposal and include a letter of support. *Full-time CU faculty members with the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, senior instructor, or instructor.

*Full-time CU Faculty members with the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, senior instructor, or instructor.

Selection Process: Proposals are initially reviewed by campus representatives who forward the top proposals to a system-wide selection committee. The system-wide selection committee, consisting of representatives from each campus, will review the proposals and rate them based on the criteria listed below.

Funding Amounts: Proposal funding is for one year with a maximum request of $8,000 per year. However, a proposal may be considered for a second year of funding pending demonstration of positive impact, potential for replication across the system, and institutionalization at home campus. Second year funding is not guaranteed and requires the submittal of an annual report that aligns with the timeline for the following year funding.

Past President's DEI Grant Recipients

Proposal Rating Criteria

Assessed on the extent to which the project:

  • Advances DEI-related outcomes as identified in the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan;
  • Demonstrates feasibility and clarity of purpose;
  • Indicates the potential for tangible results, capacity-building, sustainability, and replication;
  • Offers an effective, innovative approach to meeting important needs in higher education; delivers outcomes that are consistent with campus-wide diversity, equity and inclusion goals; and,
  • Fosters collaboration between groups (e.g. campuses, departments, staff and faculty, community).

Additional Considerations

  • Multi-campus projects or projects with the potential for system-wide impact are favored when other factors are equal.
  • Projects that leverage additional resources are favored when other factors are equal.
  • Projects that demonstrate support for campus support and institutionalization are favored when other factors are equal.
  • If funding will be used to support an existing program or activity, a proposal that seeks to expand or enhance the program is viewed more favorably than one that only maintains current activity. How expansion/enhancement will be achieved should be clearly explained.
  • If the proposed project is primarily research-based, the inclusion of mentoring opportunities for students is highly valued. The involvement and mentorship of students should be clearly explained in the proposal.

Proposal Format

Proposals must follow the required format.

1. One Page Cover Sheet, which to include:

  • Title of the project;
  • Name, title, department, phone number, and email address of project lead(s);
  • List of project collaborators; and
  • A brief description of and purpose for the project.

2. Proposal Narrative, which includes (in three pages or less):

  • Project description
    • What is the issue or challenge you are looking to address?>
    • How does your project or initiative address your identified issue or challenge? What are the major activities or components?
    • How does this project align to campus-wide goals related to diversity, equity, and inclusion?
    • How will you collaborate with or involve other members of CU (students, staff, faculty, other departments, units, alumni) and/or community members?
    • How do you intend to institutionalize your program or strategy once this grant funding has ended?
  • Evaluation
    • How will you evaluate the success of your program or initiative? (indicators, data collection methods)
  • Timeframe for project completion

3. Budget and Justification

  • A complete and detailed budget that includes the precise dollar amount requested and justification for the request.
    • Commitment for funding is given only on an annual basis, and such commitment should not be construed as a commitment for future funding.
    • Lack of a clear, itemized budget is grounds for denying funding.
    • If funds are to be used for the purchase of equipment or materials (including computer software or hardware), the proposal must indicate why they are essential to the project, and who will be responsible for them and how they will be used after the project has been completed.
    • Funds CANNOT be used for faculty or staff salaries or course buyouts. Salary support for students (e.g. research assistants or other student assistants) is allowed.
    • All funds must be spent in accordance with university fiscal and procurement policies.
    • Speed type must be submitted by selected applicants to the Office of DEI at before May 31, 2024 or risk forfeiture of funding. Please contact your campus budget office if you have questions about which speed type to use.

4. One letter of support from advisor, supervisor, department chair, dean, or other officer/leader.

Timeline and Notice of Award

  • December 12, 2023: Application Period Opens
  • February 2, 2024: Application Period Closes
  • Mid-March 2024: Recipients Announced
  • April 24, 2024 - President's DEI Awards Reception - 2:30pm-4:30pm (grantees will be recognized during program)

Post-Award Reporting

Before receiving funding, you must agree to submit a final report on the activities supported by the grant.


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Submit a President's DEI Grant Application