
The Office of Information Security manages licenses and vendor relationships for some broadly used security technologies at CU. This service empowers departments to access these tools while providing CU with lower costs of consolidated licenses and a single point of management. OIS adjusts the offered technologies over time to respond to the needs of CU, the available options and the value CU derives from each offering. At the moment, the technology offerings managed by OIS include TLS certificates, multifactor authentication and vulnerability scanning tools.

Individual offerings under this service:

  • Vendor relationship and license management
  • Technology delivery
    • TLS Certificates - Sectigo
    • Multifactor Authentication - Duo
    • Vulnerability scanning – Qualys (System Administration only)

How is CU better through this service?

In addition to our security responsibilities to the CU community, OIS also looks for opportunities to meet our financial responsibilities to the State of Colorado, students, tax payers, granting agencies, donors and others who make financial commitments to CU. By identifying opportunities to consolidate licenses and vendor management, we can minimize the costs of providing secure technology services to the CU community.

Who can use the service?

The eligibility of each service varies. Some services (like TLS certificates and multifactor authentication) are licensed at a multi-campus level and management of the implementation is delegated to campus teams. There are differences in campus implementations that may impact a department’s access to the service.

What does it cost me?

Costs vary based on the licensing model of each service. To inquire about the details of each offering, contact OIS as described below.

Where do I go to get started with this service?

To learn more about the existing services, or inquire about the potential for new security technology services, contact Depending on the inquiry, OIS may refer you to a campus IT team to learn more about how to access the service on your campus.