About This Specialization

This specialization is for those with limited workplace experience in software development to obtain the background, perspective and skills to recognize important security aspects of software they are expected to design. Mindsets and attitudes of successful designers--and hackers--are presented as well as project successes and failures

# 4 Courses
Follow the suggested order or choose your own.
Designed to help you practice and apply the skills you learn.
Highlight your new skills on your resume or LinkedIn.


Projects Overview

Students will create a Unified Modeling Language (UML) Class diagram and a UML Sequence diagram using IBM’s Rhapsody modeling tool for a set of classes and actions described in the lectures. Downloading and activating Rhapsody is also covered. Students will also download and install NetBeans for Java and JUnit, a unit testing tool. Students will configure NetBeans to use JUnit and test code written for the classes and methods described in the UML project. Finally, students will explore case studies of a successful (Bitcoin) and unsuccessful (Therac-25) designs.

For More Information or to Enroll



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