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New Executive Director

Headshot of Cathy Bodine
The Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities is under new leadership. In the fall of 2021, Cathy Bodine, PhD, Professor, Department of Bioengineering, College of Engineering, Design and Computing, University of Colorado (CU), took the reins of the institute. Dr. Bodine is only the second Executive Director of the prestigious institute. Previously, Dr. David Braddock, Professor and Associate Vice President for Research, University of Colorado System, led the institute since its inception in 2001. Upon his retirement, Shea Tanis, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, CU Anschutz, and Clayton Lewis, PhD, Professor, Department of Information Science, CU Boulder, served as interim Co-Directors until Dr. Bodine took the helm.

Dr. Braddock was instrumental in developing The Rights of People with Cognitive Disabilities to Technology and Information Access (the Declaration), as the Coleman Institute’s public policy position on technology. The declaration is a statement of principles co-authored by leaders from national disability organizations and represents a grassroots movement that has resulted in laws being passed in Colorado (2014) and Maine (2015), with the goal of introducing and passing legislation in the remaining 48 states and at the federal level.

Building on this legacy, Bodine is focused on translational research and development of tools and services designed for persons living with cognitive impairments. She is well situated to take on this challenge and grow the institute to new heights as she brings years of award winning clinical, teaching, research, and executive leadership experience. She is an international leader in the field of assistive technology, human-centered design, and is armed with proven skills in commercialization and establishing product-market-fit, both key areas for transitioning concepts into products and services. Notably, she is also the Director of the Innovation Ecosystem for the Colorado Clinical Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) and Director for the Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE).

“We need to ensure the tools we are developing actually serve their intended purpose, and we cannot do that unless end-users are involved. The Coleman Institute has the potential to bring the engineering, research, and consumer communities together. What excites me is that we finally have the technology tools we have needed for many years to develop the future" – Dr. Bodine

The University System is proud to welcome Dr. Cathy Bodine as the newest Executive Director for the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities.

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