Importance of Testing, Accessibility Best Practices, and eComm Updates! April 2024 eComm User Newsletter.
Accessibility means a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally inclusive manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use. Are you doing everything you can to make your events accessible to all?
Helpful Checklists, Managing Campaigns, and eComm Updates! March 2024 eComm User Newsletter.
Session Recordings, Troubleshooting Tips, and eComm Updates! February 2024 eComm User Newsletter.
Start of the Year Tips, New Resources, and eComm Updates! January 2024 eComm User Newsletter.
Are you giving people with a disability the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally inclusive manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use?
NEW Monthly eComm User Newsletter. December 2023 Newsletter: New Resources, eComm Updates, and Year-End Tips!
Learn about the information required to add/modify/delete email preferences and what you'll be responsible for managing once edits are complete.
Learn about the information required to add/rename/delete a business unit and what you'll be responsible for managing once complete.
Marketing Cloud email templates serve the purpose of streamlining and optimizing the process of creating and sending emails. eComm has provided numerous branded templates that you can utilize. However, you may choose to create your own custom templates. This wiki covers the benefits of using templates and instructions for how to create an email from a custom template saved in your Business Unit.
