Cvent is working towards refreshing the look/feel of the platform, especially in light of the major system enhancements that we are pushing out. This will help bring the same look/feel across all of Cvent’s products. Below outlines the first phase of visual changes:
Popularity is such a burden. Luckily, you have Cvent. Should your event or session close due to reaching capacity and invitees still want to come, the waitlist page will appear when they attempt to register. Learn how to setup your event and/or session waitlist, customize the waitlist notification email and manage waitlisted invitees.
To meet the demand of scalability and enterprise-wide goals of Constituent Relationship Management (CRM), CU created an Enterprise CRM Program, led by a CRM Center of Excellence (CoE) that serves CU in the following areas of responsibility: Shared Infrastructure and CRM Program Management, Delivery, and Implementation of Strategy.
Users will be opted-in to receive tips & tricks from eComm, including: best practices, in-person training opportuinites, and how-to tutorials available on-demand.
Not sure what can be accomplished with the eComm suite of tools? Learn about the most common features used at CU.
Did you and your team create an awesome email that you want to share with another unit at CU? With Marketing Cloud there is no need to re-invent the wheel. Provide a few key pieces of information to your eComm specialist and they can share the email between the two units.
Understanding the difference between commercial and transactional emails helps your message get delivered and read. Plus, it's the law.
Here are the highlights for the releases and enhancements that were made in the last quarter and are available today. Additional release details can be found in the Cvent Community. Read more >>
Use this tool to find the zip codes that fall into a radius around a point (or user defined area) on a map.
What are Salesforce Individual Email Results (IERs) and why are they important?
