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Project Status, Nov 6

I want to start off this week's update with exciting news about a huge milestone. Access to Production will open for the MECs on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Yee haw! 

While the Production window opens on Wednesday, it doesn't mean the work is complete. In fact, this is where our team gets very busy. We are now in the space where we are adding content, conducting final testing, getting trained by ACF, preparing for end-user training and getting the environment ready for our ~300 users. 

Here's my commentary on this last week's activities. 

Lisa Carr in UIS has spent the last several weeks diligently loading files and monitoring and troubleshooting errors. Here's the results: 

  • Less than 1% error rate in Campus Solutions data
  • Less than 2% error rate in Advance data
  • Less than 4% error rate in HR data

Those are great stats. Teams will be troubleshooting the remaining issues and will also begin the transition from the initial batch data loads to the ongoing integrations.

We completed the development of all Harris email preference units, which was a combined effort between an outsourced vendor (NimbleJack) and our in-house teams. Development wrapped up on Tuesday, Melanie Jones and Tom Needy provided testing manpower and the work was officially signed off on Wednesday. There are additional, non-Harris, units that need to be created and will be built-out in the coming month. 

The MECs have spent several days this week focused on the first iteration of Cvent testing. This is not only a great opportunity to ensure the functionality lines up with business requirements, but also provides initial training activities for the testers. Things are moving quickly in this area, and are tracking well. 

In addition to phase 2 Cvent testing, the MECs have been creating reports that our users will associate with their email campaigns. Matt Roush created a how-to document that the team has been referencing. But, a data dictionary to understand the data values for our approximately 300 fields is still required. I will work with the Center of Excellence (COE) and UIS to get a dictionary in our team's hands ASAP. 

Conversations continue with Treasury and Controller offices to articulate the workflow process for event registration forms that require credit card transactions. Soon, we will engage UIS to identify resources for integrating Cvent with Peoplesoft. The integration will allow Peoplesoft to pull transaction information from our Internet Merchant Accounts (IMAs) that are tied to Cvent and populate Peoplesoft so speedtypes can reflect activity. Until this integration happens, there will be manual efforts involved. 

We are having in-depth conversations about user training in early 2016, including all the options available. Venue selection, how to deliver the training (virtual, in-person, pre-recorded videos), and associated costs are being carefully considered to ensure the best and most effective training is provided to our users. We understand this is the most important piece of the puzzle and so decisions are not being taken lightly. We will have a plan with options this week and will share with leadership and other stakeholders soon.   

Our eComm enews is ready for delivery and will be sent to 285 eComm users on Monday. And, we are slated for a virtual Town Hall on Dec. 3. 

The authentication portal is ready for our users and a link is now posted on the eComm website at (see top, right navigation). 

Attached is Kyle's project update, which includes eComm activities as well as COE and other eCRM initiative news. 

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