Campus Developments & Achievements

Faculty & Staff Profiles

See what our faculty and staff have to say about working for CU.

Assistant Professor
College of Education
Given his military background and previous work in Veteran and Military Affairs (VMA) on campus, Morris is impressed with the student body's commitment to community service.
Principal HR Business Partner
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Katie Rodriguez sees CU as a place to build her career and invest in herself.
Senior Executive Director
Office of Financial Aid, Student Employement and Scholarships
Jevita Rogers joined UCCS to be closer to family, but she has found a larger one with the CU faculty and staff.
Claire Dunn on the CU Boulder Campus
IRB Director
Research & Innovation Office
Claire Dunne came to CU in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and found a new home at CU Boulder.