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This award is presented to one system administration employee in recognition and appreciation of exceptional job performance, and includes a $1000 cash award.

What do you need to nominate an employee for this award?

  • Verify eligibility:
  • The nominee is a classified or university staff employee, who has been employed with the university for a minimum of a year. (Temporary employees, student workers, university officers, and staff council nomination committee members are ineligible for this award.)
  • You are a staff member, faculty or student who has first-hand knowledge of the nominee's performance. The nominee’s supervisor and department head must provide written approval of the nomination by signing the nomination letter.
  • In your letter, describe the accomplishments that qualify the employee to be considered for the President's Employee of the Year Award. Considerations for nomination include: job performance, customer service, teamwork, leadership, and/or initiative. It should be as comprehensive as possible, citing specific examples for your nomination. You may utilize the Scoring Rubric to help complete the qualifications.
  • Nominations are closed for the 2025 award.