Section 1 – Eligibility

System administration employees who hold regular appointments of at least 50% time are eligible for representation on SSC.  Officers of CU System Administration are not eligible to be SSC representatives.  In the event an SSC representative becomes ineligible, they will be given the option to resign immediately or finish out the fiscal year.  SSC shall consist of elected and appointed representatives; elections and appointments shall be conducted in accordance with these Bylaws.

Section 2 – Composition

SSC representation shall be between nine (9) and fifteen (15) representative positions, held by employees.  The vice president for Employee and Information Services shall appoint a Human Resources department representative to serve as an ex officio member (HR ex officio) of SSC and shall not be counted as one of the fifteen representative positions.  The HR ex officio will not have a vote on SSC business matters unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws. 

Section 3 – Terms

Representatives are elected to serve terms of two years and may be elected for an unlimited number of consecutive or non-consecutive terms.  Terms shall commence on July 1, unless otherwise agreed upon by majority vote.  In the event of a representative being appointed, his/her term shall commence on the effective date of such appointment, and end on June 30 of the current fiscal year.

Elected SSC officers shall serve for terms of one year, from July 1 through June 30 of any given year.  Elected or appointed officers who assume their offices anytime after July 1 shall serve in that capacity for the remainder of such yearly term, through June 30 of the current fiscal year.  The chair and vice chair (or co-chairs) may serve up to three consecutive terms and must then step down from the position for one year before being eligible to be elected to the same position for additional terms.  If there are no nominations for the chair position the HR ex officio may appoint a current representative or the immediate past chair to serve that one year term.

Section 4 – Commitment of Effort

Representatives (including SSC officers) shall be provided with a reasonable amount of time away from their regular university positions to adequately fulfill their SSC responsibilities.  Upon the successful election or appointment of a representative, the president’s office shall provide notice of the representative’s service on SSC to the appropriate supervisor and/or manager of the representative’s department.  This notice will include a request to provide the representative with a reasonable amount of time away from his or her regular duties for the purpose of serving on SSC.