Drupal is an Enterprise CMS used across the University of Colorado

Drupal is an open source Content Management System (CMS) maintained by small teams or individuals across the University of Colorado to support the creation and management of websites by a much larger number of content editors without requiring any experience with HTML. With an intuitive page building experience and integrated analytics, Drupal can handle large amounts of content, provide subject matter experts an easy way to manage content directly and generate reports to aid in data-driven decision-making. 

CU partners with Pantheon to provide website hosting. If you are a campus user new to Drupal, you can find information about how Drupal is supported by your campus at CU Boulder, UCCS or CU Denver.

Across the University of Colorado campuses and system, Drupal is currently used by;



Content Editors




This site is maintained by members of the campus and system groups supporting Drupal to coordinate monthly meetings, share information, provide an overview of Drupal use across CU and specifics from each group.

All CU Drupal users are encouraged to join our channel on edudu.slack.com (#cudug). The CU Drupal User Group meets monthly. The purpose of CUDUG is to share knowledge and connect Drupal Developers, Site Builders, Web Designers and SEO experts.





Glossary (coming soon)