PROCESS UPDATE: Effective February 12, 2024, paper application and update forms will no longer be accepted for cardholder services. All activity going forward should be submitted in Concur Request.

Procurement and travel card applications, approving official forms, and cardholder updates will now be submitted via Requests in the Concur Travel and Expense System. Applicants, current cardholders, approvers, and approving officials will no longer be expected to manage paper forms and signatures through email.  

Download the FAQs from the August 17th webinar here!

Procurement and Travel Card Applicants

Procurement and Travel Card Applicants will complete the required trainings in Skillsoft and then submit a request through Concur, which will automatically route to the necessary approvers and Commercial Card team.

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Current Procurement and Travel Card Holders

Procurement and Travel Cardholders requesting updates to their card account (address, limit increase, etc.) will submit a request through Concur, which will automatically route to the necessary approvers and Commercial Card team.

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Approvers and Approving Officials

Approvers and Approving Officials will be notified of any new Procurement and Travel Card applications and current cardholder updates via an email from Concur. If the application requires Controller approval, the application Request will be automatically routed. The Requests will also be visible in the Approver’s Concur profile. The Approver/Approving Official will then log into Concur to review and process requests.

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Request Delegates

Request Delegates can be set up to prepare AND submit Requests on behalf of the user. The system prevents self-approval, so the person who submits the Request (Request Owner or Request Delegate) will not be able to approve the Request.