
Department Body

About the University of Colorado

The Faculty Senate Grievance Committee (FSGC) is an impartial body reviewing grievances submitted by memberd of faculty that fall within its jurisdiction.  It is an impartial body that is neither an advocate for faculty nor an arm of university administration.  As described in the Laws and Polices of the Regents, the committee independently investigates and mediates grievance cases. The resultant reports, containing any recommendations made by its panels, are submitted to the chancellor for further action.

The committee's 32 members represent tenured, tenure-track and IRC (instructional, research and clinical) faculty from all four campuses.  It evaluates the processes that are followed or not followed in administrative decisions that have adversely impacted a grievant.  The committee cannot and does not substitute its opinion on the merit of collegial and/or administrative decisions except in dismissal for cause cases of tenured or tenure-track faculty or in disciplinary actions such as suspensions with or without pay, removal from the classroom, etc.  Only in these two types of cases are the merits of these actions debated and considered as part of the committee's deliberations.  Since the committee addresses personnel matters, to ensure grievant confidentiality and to protect the privacy of its members, a roster of FSGC membership is available upon request only.