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Keep yourself and your family safe from cybercrime

It is important to teach your family and kids how to keep computer devices secured and your private information safe. That’s why CU’s Office of Information Security (OIS) has put the following tips together to help you and your family. Although it may not seem troublesome to your kids, they may unknowingly be putting your family at risk as they are prone to sharing personal information online, which can lead to identity theft.

Here are some ways to keep your family secure from online cybercrime:

  • Talk openly with your kids: Walk your kids through why certain information is considered private and how to recognize if behavior is suspicious. Teach them about how the internet can propose threats.
  • Configure security settings together: Teach your kids how to configure security and privacy settings on their favorite websites.
  • Control and monitor online activities: Add parental controls to your devices and be involved on the same social network applications that they are using.
  • Keep devices and applications secure: Continuously update applications and ensure all your passwords are kept up-to-date and strong.

Get more tips and information from the OIS article here.

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