Line item Financial Report Comments on CU Marketplace voucher payments are supposed to show up in the journal line description on m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL.
Miss how the old cms “Denver” summary reports drilled to show the composition of the outstanding encumbrances?
Now available for you to test in Cognos QA: a new m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY.
m-Fin BUDGET TO ACTUAL is now in production.
Looking for an m-Fin report that seems to have gone missing?
New versions of three m-Fin reports have migrated to Cognos production.
With Cognos 10, MSExcel output format choices are
m-Fin ACCOUNT NUMBER is a good way to juxtapose activity in the same account code from different speedtypes.
Like reports that show one line per speedtype?
To migrate means to move from one environment to another. Like from the Cognos QA (testing) environment to production.
