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MEC Weekly Digest | September 14, 2020

Fundraising Event Configuration Update

  • Issue: Caroline Fetterolf and her team identified an issue in Cvent that was causing the company credit question to appear inconsistently in CUF event reports for fundraising events.
  • Impact: The inconsistent appearance of this information presented gift processing issues for the Advancement team.
  • Solution/Action: Caroline worked with Cvent and determined that the company credit information will appear in CUF event reports when it is included as a required registration question, but not when it is included as a required contact field. Moving forward, eComm specialists should ensure that fundraising events are configured with the company credit information collected as a required registration question and not as a required contact field. Additionally, the company credit question should be tagged with the question tag "Company Receive Credit."
  • Next Steps: Caroline is working to update the documentation associated with this change. Once those updates are complete, Jen Mortensen will update the associated wiki.

Salesforce Classic Access Removed for Users

  • Issue: We discovered that some of the permissions that are limited in Lightning are still available to users in Classic, specifically the ability to mass-upload campaign members.
  • Solution: Rebecca Lankford created a new permission set that will remove eComm users' ability to access Salesforce Classic. We don't think many users are still accessing Classic, so the impact should be minimal. Please contact the System team if you have questions or need more information.

Wikis Updated with Optional Quiz

Q4 Email Preferences Reminder

  • Action: If you have email preference submissions for Q4 of CY20, please add them to the email preferences management spreadsheet by close of business on Monday, September 14.

September Provisioning

  • Update: New users have received their credentials (MEC cc-d) and have logged in, although no one has completed the quiz. They will get the reminder this week.
    • Melanie Jones took a different approach this month by asking users to arrange a 15 min. virtual session to login for the first time. During that session they receive credentials (MEC cc-d) and after logging in get a second email regarding training and the quiz. It was a great way to meet folks face-to-face and ensure no confusion with next steps. 

September Login History Audit

  • Update: Jen Mortensen will be contacting users who have not logged in for six months beginning on Monday, September 14. She will update the last login spreadsheet with additional details and will keep the team informed via Chatter.

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