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MEC Weekly Digest | November 18, 2019

Global Email Opt-In Change

  • Issue: When opting a contact back into email preferences using the global email opt out field, MECs previously had to manually re-check all 300+ email preferences to complete a successful opt-in.
  • Impact: Checking 300+ boxes manually was time-consuming.
  • Solution: Re-checking the global email opt out field now results in all of the email preferences automatically being re-checked. No manual work is needed.

Email Preferences

  • Issue: eComm is currently on-hold for adding or modifying email preferences due to the volume of work involved with these changes.
  • Update: The COE deployed a solution on 11/15 that will substantially ease the process. The System team will have more information next week.

Resolved: CU Footer for All Emails

  • Issue: The System eComm team discovered an error when using the CU Footer for All Emails to opt out of all CU communications (see INC0609313).
  • Solution: This issue was corrected on 11/11/19. 

Resolved: Active Students missing Campus Email

  • When this issue was first identified in June, 1040 contacts were affected. As of today, there are none left. UIS is keeping an eye on this issue, and can now easily re-push affected students. 

Wiki Index

  • Update: The System eComm team has completed the Salesforce and Marketing Cloud sections of the new wiki index (with over 156 questions addressed!). The Cvent section will be completed by Tuesday, November 19, and the index will be reviewed with the MECs during our meeting on November 21.
    • Pending approval, we will roll out the index to users in the November eComm newsletter on November 25.

Unexpected Sender Profile Changes

  • Issue: Daniella Torres noticed some unexpected changes to sender profiles on 11/15 that are documented in INC0611280 (screen shots included in TaskRay).
  • Impact: Functionality does not seem to be affected, but we are confirming with the COE and Marketing Cloud.
  • Workaround: No workaround is needed at this time, but we will keep you informed as we learn more.

Cvent Integration

  • Member Status: As mentioned in the November 4 Weekly Digest, Kalman Sweetwine completed work with Cvent re: campaign member status.
    • Cvent has updated the integration so that guest registration statuses now update in the same way as the statuses of primary registrants (canceled = canceled, registered = no show, attended = attended, etc.)
    • This fix has automatically been implemented in all event campaigns that have been created in CRM03. Please check your campaigns to verify that no member status issues remain.
  • Total Campaign Members Inconsistencies: Kalman Sweetwine and Nonie Roberts are now investigating new inconsistencies between campaign member totals in CRM01, CRM03, and Cvent (see INC0604003 from Amber Bartlett). While their investigation continues, a couple of key items to note are as follows:
    • For subscription form campaigns, the number of campaign members in Salesforce may often NOT match the number of registrants in Cvent due to campaign member additions that occurred with MEC action in Apsona rather than by constituent action in a Cvent form. 
    • For CRM01 users, Kalman is reporting that there are contacts being created in 01 but not getting added to campaigns. This is possibly due to an integration change in CRM01. Kalman is working with Cvent to obtain change logs that will help determine if the integration was changed (as well as by whom, when, and why). Conversations with Cvent are continuing, so we should have more updates next week.
  • Campaign Member Matching: Tom Needy asked a great question about how Cvent assigns an event registration to a contact when the contact has multiple records in Salesforce (see TaskRay task). Kalman is reporting that the Cvent Integration Agent first checks against the record type (and will use individual record type over standard record type if an individual record type is present). If duplicates exist within the individual record type, the most recently updated contact will be used. The System team is working to verify this though testing.

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