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MEC Weekly Digest | March 2, 2020

Good News to Celebrate

  • Q1 Email Preference RequestsQ1 email preference requests are complete. Thanks to Nonie Roberts and the team at the COE for making these changes. MECs, please let us know if you have any questions.
  • Changes on License Object: The first batch of License object enhancements/bug fixes is now done.
    • New values added to the Public Group picklist: "New Public Group Needed", "N/A - User does not view reports", and "N/A - User is Cvent only". 
      • If a new public group is needed, please select "New Public Group Needed" and @Daniella on the contact's license record with the additional details.
    • Provisioning comments were removed as an option on the provisioning flow because they were overwriting previous comments. If you have an urgent request, please @Mel on the contact's license record.
    • Salesforce Username, Marketing Cloud Username, and User Email (based on Affiliated Campus) were added to contacts' license records. Cvent-only users were previously missing emails from their records.

SFMC Connector Refresh

  • Update: Unfortunately the SFMC connector refresh that took place last Friday evening was not successful. We are working with our case manager to determine next steps and will keep you informed of progress.

Apsona Error Messages

  • Issue: Many of you alerted us to error messages you were receiving in Apsona last week.
  • Impact: Errors were causing multiple issues, including the inability to successfully add contacts to campaigns.
  • Solution: Kalman Sweetwine has been investigating and conducting additional tests, and the situation seems to have improved. If you continue to encounter problems, please let us know via TaskRay.

Geocodes vs. Geopointe

  • Issue: We are continuing to experience problems with the Advance - Salesforce integration. These integration issues are affecting not only email address but also other key contact data including address.
  • Impact: If you use Geopointe or reports based on addresses to segment your audiences, be aware that some of this information may be out of date.
  • Solution: eComm is working with both the COE and UIS to determine the number of records that are affected and to identify a solution.
  • Workaround: Since we migrated to 03, Daniella Torres has been completing monthly manual updates to the Geocode field (which is not part of the Advance - Salesforce integration). Therefore, the Geocode data is likely more reliable than the other address fields. If you are concerned about accuracy, we recommend that you consider using Geocodes as an alternative to Geopointe or report-based segmentation based on other address fields.

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