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MEC Weekly Digest | July 5, 2019
July 19, 2019 by jennifer.mortensen
Advance-Salesforce Integration
- Issue: UIS has informed us of a known issue with the Advance-Salesforce integration in CRM03 that is affecting some, but not all, records.
- Impact: This means that some of the email address updates taking place in Advance are not being accurately reflected in Salesforce.
- Solution: UIS is working to correct this issue and hopes to have an update for us in about one month.
- Work-Around: If you locate records affected by this integration issue, contact Daniella Torres. She can manually update the email address for the affected contact, and the change should not be overwritten.
Duplicates and Data Hygiene
- Issue: CRM03 contains many duplicate contact records despite the COE's best efforts to prevent that from happening during the migration. Many of these duplicates appear to be the result of duplicate contacts in both Advance and MDM.
- Impact: Some contact records are missing email addresses in the expected fields or information in associated objects; sometimes, these email addresses and associated information are found in a duplicate record.
- Solution: Nalini Indorf Kaplan is working with UIS to better define data standards for contact loads from MDM into Salesforce. Currently, each source system has its own set of data standards, which is likely a cause of duplicate records. Established, overarching data standards will likely address this issue.
- Work-Around: If you locate duplicate records, please add them to our DCR spreadsheet (see Chatter for link). The COE is continuing work on the DCR process in CRM03; once that process is established, Daniella Torres will begin merging the duplicates that we identify.
IERs and CIW/CU Data
- Issue: IER data in CRM03 will be stored for 90 days and is not currently housed in the CIW/CU Data due to a failed integration.
- Impact: MECs will not be able to report on IERs older than 90 days in Salesforce.
- Solution: Jen Mortensen is working with UIS on building an integration between MC03 and the CIW/CU Data that will remove CRM03 as an intermediary. This will allow data to transfer directly from MC03 to the CIW even if there is an issue with the SFMC connector (similar to those we have seen in recent years). Once this integration is established, MECs will be trained on how to access IER data older than three months in the CIW.
- Work-Around: In the interim time, MECs can access the send data they need in MC03 tracking and reporting.
Cvent License Purchase
- Issue: We are currently out of Cvent licenses to assign to new Cvent users.
- Impact: Users who need access to Cvent cannot be provisioned.
- Solution: Each campus can determine if it needs to purchase more Cvent licenses in groups of five minimum to 26 maximum. The cost per license is $1,675/year. MECs are responsible for speaking to their leadership/CFO and securing additional funding and a speedtype for the COE.
- Work-Around: MECs can identify users who are not active and request that they be deprovisioned. MECs can also investigate options for consolidating license use within departments to conserve resources.
MEC Meetings and Structure
- Issue: Based on the types of questions the System team receives on an ongoing basis, there is concern that our weekly meetings are not effective in conveying information that is recallable in the long-term.
- Impact: The System team is spending a significant amount of time answering the same questions and directing MECs to the same resources that were already discussed in detail during MEC calls and in Chatter. This is not sustainable for the System team given their other responsibilities.
- Solution: The System team is proposing a move to a weekly digest (like the one you are reading) that will convey important information to the MEC team; this email would replace weekly MEC meetings. We would then devote the last Thursday of each month to meeting in person (with a remote option) to discuss items that require group input.
- Work-Around: We will keep our scheduled MEC meeting on July 11 so that we can discuss the impact of this proposed change.