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MEC Weekly Digest | August 16, 2019
August 21, 2019 by jennifer.mortensen
Reminder: TaskRay | PROCESS CHANGE
- Issue: Many MECs are continuing to use Chatter to submit work requests to the System team despite the recent launch of TaskRay in CRM03.
- Impact: Using Chatter rather than TaskRay doesn't allow the eComm team to report on the types of issues that are most requested over time.
- Solution: Please use TaskRay to submit your work requests to the eComm team. Additional information can be found in the July 26 MEC Weekly Digest and in the eComm wiki.
Cvent IMA Reminder | IMPORTANT
- Issue: We are continuing to encounter problems in which MECs approve Cvent forms with an incorrect Internet Merchant Account (IMA) and/or IMA that do not match.
- Impact: The failure to thoroughly review Cvent forms before approval is creating substantial work for both the CU Office of the Treasurer and the CU Foundation.
- Solution: Remember to ALWAYS ensure that the correct IMA is selected BEFORE you approve any events for your users. Additionally, ALWAYS ensure that the IMA selected in Event Information matches the IMA in Event Configuration. More information is available in the eComm wiki: Cvent Accounting Quick List and How to Set Up Payment Information.
User Reports | REVIEW
- Find your pre-built report of active users in the 08 eComm Provisioning folder. Please review your report to ensure accuracy. If you notice any discrepancies (like an inaccurate SpeedType), email
Communications to Incoming Students
- Issue: We've experienced issues in the past with students not receiving communications at the beginning of the semester due to the active enrolled field not populating with a TRUE value in a timely manner.
- Impact: Some students were not receiving communications at the beginning of the semester.
- Solution: The COE has corrected this issue so that the active enrolled value will be TRUE for all actively enrolled students, so this is no longer a concern. However, for those of you sending communications to incoming freshmen with a specific communication plan, be aware that these students have likely already received multiple communications from CU over the summer since the active enrolled value = TRUE.
- Work Around: The Boulder eComm team is working with the System team and the COE to determine how we can exclude incoming freshmen from summer communications in the future so that they can enjoy a more streamlined and strategic introduction to CU. More information will be available soon.
Cvent Licenses and Provisioning
- Issue: eComm has been running out of Cvent licenses (or has been within one to two licenses of running out) for most of 2018 and 2019.
- Impact: There have been several instances in which new Cvent users could not be provisioned without other users being deprovisioned first.
- Solution: The COE purchased ten more Cvent licenses for eComm that will be available for use when needed. If your campus needs another Cvent license, please be aware of the following:
- Campus-funded licenses at Boulder, Colorado Springs, System, and Advancement will be charged to the overarching eComm campus speedtype that is already housed in the license object.
- For unit-funded Denver and Anschutz licenses, please specify the speedtype your would like to use when you submit a provisioning request.
- Campus-funded licenses at Denver and Anschutz will use the campus eComm speedtype that is already housed in the license object.
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