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Improvements To Compensation Summary Report

Improvements to m-Fin COMPENSATION SUMMARY are ready for you to test in Cognos QA: [15-May-2014 Migrated to production.]

  • Resize button for when the search list boxes need to be wider.
  • Improved input text validation on the ADDITIONAL SEARCH CRITERIA.
  • REPORTS TO prompt.  Entering a position number limits the search results to just those people in positions that report to it.
  • We also updated m-Fin PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS in order to keep it built similarly and working properly for drills from m-Fin COMPENSATION SUMMARY.


ADDITIONAL SEARCH CRITERIA affect only searches. They do not affect the final run of the report. For this and other tips, see Search Prompt Tips. If by "in Org 20518" you mean people who have this org as their home department in HRMS, then use the HOME DEPT ORG prompt. The PAYLINE ORG prompt can be used instead when you want to find people paid by this org, regardless of home department. Let's go with home department. Enter 20518 into HOME DEPT ORG. Enter the position number into REPORTS TO POSITION. Enter an underscore into the search keywords box. Click search and Insert any or all of the employees. If there is someone else you have in mind that you do not see, try clearing the HOME DEPT ORG and search again. You may find other employees that have a different home department. The search results show the home department code in parenthesis. You can continue to search and insert until you have the set of people you want. These subtleties in the data are why this report's mentality is to run for a list of employees and to facilitate building the list with search iteration.
Let's say I want to find everyone in Org 20518 who reports to position number 00630495. How do I perform that search? I tried putting both the org & posn number in the additional search criteria but the finish button is greyed out. I tried entering the org number, clicking search, clicking select all and then insert. The search produces only a subset of employees in the org and therefore, the information is incomplete. Please advise.

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