We are improving m-Fin PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS.
The prompts on the HTML output for m-Fin PROJECT EXPENDITURES BY MONTH are getting fixed.
We are fixing an issue with prompts in m-Fin SPEEDTYPE ONE-LINER.
We are fixing a paging problem with m-Fin TRIAL BALANCE TOTAL.
CU-Data went live with two ePers reports. The other two are in testing now.
We are improving the m-Fin AWARD report to show billing and revenue limits when these exist.
We are fixing m-Fin SPEEDTYPE LIST's page-by feature.
Here are several reports that are specifically for running by org code.
PROJECT CF AR TYPE is no longer maintaned by CU, so m-Fin is changing what displays in project headers.
We are adding saveset buttons to m-Fin REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY.
